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Friday, January 18, 2008

Aptitude Tests

M. Kapoor. Davis's Battery of Differential Abilities (Revised) English. (There are seven sub-tests Verbal Ability (VA), Numerical Ability (NA), Spatial Ability (SA), Closure Ability (CA), Clerical Ability (CL), Reasoning Ability (RA) and Mechanical Ability (MA) and each designed to measure a single primary ability factor and it is important in industrial settings and career and vocational counselling. It is meant for 14+ and takes 30 minutes to administer.) INR 4490.00

Differential Aptitude Test Battery (DATB) English (Indian print. It is a multi factor test battery of eight aptitude tests. Verbal Reasoning (VR), Abstract Reasoning (AR), Space Relations (SR), Numerical Anxiety (NA), Clerical Speed and Accuracy (CSA), Mechanical Reasoning (MR), Language Usage spelling (LU-sp) and Language Usage-grammar (LU-gr). It was prepared by G. K. Bennett, H. G. Seashore and A. G. Wesman in 1947 and it is meant for higher secondary students. Indian norms were prepared by Dr. Ojha and takes 180 minutes) INR 6990.00

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