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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Color perception, Theories of Colour Vision

Color perception is a fascinating series of physical and chemical reactions which allow some organisms to see in color. The process of color perception is literally all in the mind, with the eye containing the equipment which responds to light so that the brain can process it. The number of colors an organism can distinguish can vary considerably, from animals that can see a very wide array of millions of colors to animals that see in a much more limited range.
Two types of cells in the eye are responsible for vision: rods and cones. Both cells are located in the retina, and they respond to light when it enters the eye. Rods are highly light-sensitive, allowing for vision in a range of light levels, while cones are sensitized to colors of particular wavelength ranges. Humans have three different types of cones sensitized to short, medium, and long wavelengths, and they are especially sensitive to yellow and green light. Organisms with three types of cones are known as trichromatic, and other animals may have two types of cones (dichromatic), while others have up to five (pentachromatic).

Theories of Colour Vision
      There are two major theories that explain and guide research on colour vision: the trichromatic theory also known as the Young-Helmholtz theory, and the opponent-process theory.  These two theories are complementary and explain processes that operate at different levels of the visual system.
Young-Helmholtz theory or Trichromatic Theory
In 1802, Thomas Young proposed that all human vision occurred through the combination of sensitivity to red, green, and blue. This theory, modified by Hermann von Helmholtz in 1852, came to be known as the Young-Helmholtz or trichromatic (three-color) theory of color vision. The basic idea was that the eye responded to three primary colors, and combining the three primary colors of additive color mixing formed all the other colors.
The finding that there are three types of color-sensitive cone receptors in the retina supported the three-color theory. One set of receptors is sensitive to long wavelengths such as red, one to medium wavelengths such as green, and one is sensitive to short wavelengths such as blue.
The Young-Helmholtz theory was inspired by the observation that varying the amounts of red, blue and green can produce any colour. They speculated that the retina might consist of three different types of colour-detecting cells, each sensitive to red, blue or green wavelengths of light. They further speculated that different rates of firing of these cells gives rise to the perception of different colours.
There are two phenomena that this theory cannot explain easily:
•  Colour blindness
This occurs when a person is unable to distinguish between at least two certain wavelengths of light (e.g. shades of red from shades of green). In some cases there is no perception of colour at all. It is difficult to see how a theory based on different types of cone cells for red, blue and green could account for colour blindness.
•  Negative after-effects
Stare at a red patch for a couple of minutes or so, and then look at a white sheet of paper. An after-effect will appear in the form of green patch of colour. After-effects reflect the opposite of the stimulus to which they have been exposed (the opposite of the pairs red/green, blue/yellow or light/dark). The Young- Helmholtz theory cannot explain after-effects.

Opponent-process theory
An alternative theory of colour perception was suggested by Hering (1878–1964) in an attempt to explain colour blindness and negative after-effects. It is based on the idea that three types of cells in the retina respond to pairs of opposite colours: red/green, blue/ yellow and light/dark. In its anabolic phase, a cell processes one colour of the pair it is responsive to and processes the opposite colour in its catabolic phase. Negative after effects can be explained by assuming that cells become fatigued by prolonged stimulation of the same colour and that they will work in the opposite way as they recover. De Valois, Abramov and Jacobs (1966) provide support for the opponent-process theory.

They found bipolar cells in the second layer of the retina and also in the thalamus. However, MacNichol (1986) found three different types of cells in the retina that respond maximally to one of the three different wavelengths of light as predicted by the Young- Helmholtz theory. It seems then that processes described by both theories are evident in the visual system.

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