can be defined as a process bringing relatively enduring changes in the
behaviour of the learner through experience and learning.
definition may also reveal that learning process related with a particular teaching-learning
situation is mainly centered with two things, namely-
the learner whose behaviour is to be modified
the type of experience and training available for the modification in the
learner's behaviour.
the success or failure in the task of learning in a
particular teaching-learning situation or environment mainly involves two types of factors,
one related with the learner
and other with the prevailing learning
Therefore, the differences observed in the results of learning
or performances exhibited by a group of learners may be surely
attributed to the differences present in the learner's themselves or within
their learning environment. Consequently the factors influencing learning may be broadly classified as personal (learner related) and
environmental (learning
facilities and situations)
related. The environmental related factors, then
can be further categorized as teacher related, content related and process
related (sources available to the learners for their learning).
As a result the factors influencing learning may
be categorized as below :
A. Learner Related Factors
B. Teacher Related Factors
C. Content Related Factors
D. Process Related Factors
us discuss now these four types of factors one
by one-
Learner Related Factors
learner is the key Figure in any learning task.
He has to learn to bring desired modification in his behaviour. How will he
learn or what will he achieve through a particular learning
act depends heavily on his own characteristics and way of learning.
Such things or factors associated with him
can be described as below—
1. Learner's physical and mental health: learning
is greatly affected by the learner's physical and mental health
maintained by him particularly at the time of learning. A
simple headache or stomach ache can play a havoc with the process and products
of learning. Children who did not keep up with satisfactory physical health
have to suffer adversely in terms of the gain in learning. Similarly,
the mental state and health of the learner at the lime of learning
become potent factor in deciding the outcome of the learning.
A tense, emotionally and mentally disturbed learner cannot be
expected to show satisfactory results in learning.
Basic potential of the learner: The results achieved by the
learner through a process of learning depend
heavily upon his basic potential to undergo such learning. Such
potential may consist of the following things.
Learner's innate abilities and capacities for learning a
Learner's basic potential in terms of general intelligence and specific
knowledge, understanding and skills related to particular learning
Learner's basic interests, aptitudes and attitudes related to the learning
of a particular thing or area.
3. Level of aspiration and achievement
motivation: Learning is greatly influenced by the level of aspiration and nature of
achievement motivation possessed by the learner. How can we expect from a
learner to achieve a thing for which he has no aspiration? One has to maintain
the level of his aspiration and achievement motivation to a reasonable level
neither too high causing frustration for non-achievement nor too low so as not
to try for things for which he is quite capable. In this way, one's level of
aspiration and achievement motivation works significantly towards gains in learning.
Goals of life: The philosophy and immediate as well as ultimate goals of one's
life affect the process and products of learning. His
mode and ways of looking towards the things, his inclination towards the learning
in a particular area and patience and persistence maintained for
continuing his learning, despite the heavy odds, all depend upon his goals and philosophy
of life.
5. Readiness and will power:
Learner's readiness and power to learn is a great deciding factor in the results
of learning. No power on earth can make a learner learn if he is not ready to
learn. Contrarily, if he has a will to learn something then, he will himself
find the way for effective learning.
Related Factors
the learner stands at one end of (he on-going teaching-learning
process us one of the pole then inevitably, it is the teacher who
is entrusted to act as the other pole for the desired flow of the leaching-learning
activities in the classroom. He is the person who has to play the
role of friend, philosopher and guide for initialing, interacting as well as
concluding all the activities pertaining lo the classroom journey traveled
along with the students of the class. Hence, teacher related factors
are bound to play significant role in shaping and directing the
teaching-learning process of a classroom or work situation. Lei us here briefly
summarize the role of such teacher related factors in the
teaching-learning process.
1. Mastery over the subject matter: A
teacher should know the art and skill of teaching so that the students are able
to realize the stipulated teaching-learning objective
in a particular teaching-learning situation.
He may know his subject well but for sharing, communicating and interacting
various experience related to the learning of
the subject, be needs specific teaching skills, art and sciences of his
leaching profession. The proficiency and deficiency possessed by a teacher in this
regard are quite responsible for turning the teaching-learning
process into a big success or a failure.
Personality trails and behaviour of the teacher: A
teacher as a leader has lo lead his students in the teaching-learning
process through the magnetic influence and incredible impression
left on the minds of the students on the basis of his personality trails and
behaviour. He is a role model for his students. His actions, behaviour pattern
and personality trails carry a great meaning lo his students for being imitated
and brought into practice. Therefore, much of the task regarding desirable
behaviour modification, an essential large) meant for any teaching-learning
act. is very much influenced by the types of personality traits
and behaviour pattern demonstrated by the teacher in his action and behaviour
in the classroom and work situations. Moreover, how he behaves with his
students during the various types of activities and interactions carried out in
the leaching-learning process also prove a decisive factor in finalizing the
teacher learning outcomes.
3. Level of adjustment and menial health
of the teacher: How adjusted a teacher feels in his personal and professional
life and the slate and level of mental health maintained by the teacher carries
much weight in influencing his behaviour and effectiveness needed
for the effective control and management of the leaching-learning
process. A teacher possessing poor menial health and lack of
adjustment in his personal and professional life may prove total failure in the
realization of teaching-learning objectives, whereas a teacher possessing good menial health and
adjustment may prove an ideal image to his students and boon (o the
effectiveness of the teaching-learning process.
4. Type of discipline and interaction maintained by the
teacher: A teacher who is a good disciplinarian (democratic and
persuasive) and believe in providing due interactive roles to his students in
the teaching-learning process brings more positive and belter teaching-learning
outcomes in comparison to the teachers who arc poor in terms of
maintaining discipline (autocratic or lethargic) and arc in the habit of
providing unidirectional flow of communication by discouraging any initiative
and interaction from his students.
Related Factors
In a
teaching-learning process, one thing that is shared most between the learner and the
teacher is the contents of the subject matter. Desired instructional objectives
and educational aims can be effectively achieved only on
the basis of the quality of these contents or learning experiences
shared during the process of leaching-learning. Poor
contents lead lo poor teaching and inadequate or sometimes no learning
while contents rich in the desired learning experiences
suited to the nature, interest and ability of the learner always pay rich
dividend in terms of the realization of set teaching-learning objectives. In
brief the factors related to contents influencing teaching-learning
may be broadly divided into three main categories named and
discussed as below.
1. Nature of the contents or leaning
experiences: Teaching-learning process is influenced by the nature of the contents, subject
matter or learning experiences shared in the process. Whether the nature of the
content material or learning experience provided in a teaching-learning process
is formal or informal, incidental or organized, direct or indirect, proves
quite a potent factor in influencing the process and products of teaching-learning.
2. Selection of the contents or learning experiences:
Proper attention. lime and energy employed for the desired selection of the
contents or learning experiences best suited for the realization of the teaching-learning
objectives in a particular teaching-learning situation
always proves decisive in influencing the
process and products of teaching-learning. Therefore,
it is always advisable to select content material or the learning
experiences on the basis of the desired principles like principle
of child centeredness, principle of activity, criterion of activity, age, grade
and experiences of the learners etc.
3. Organization of the channels or learning experiences:
Selected contents or learning experiences need better organization for the effective sharing
among the learners and teacher. A belter organization will be more convenient
and provide strength to the learners and teacher for the better realization of
the stipulated teaching-learning objectives. Therefore, the methods like logical v/s psychological,
spiral vs concentric, criterion of difficulty level, correlation
etc. should he properly employed for the effective organization of the contents
or learning experiences.
Related Factors
output can always be better realized in terms of the stipulated
leaching-learning objectives if the factors related to the
process of leaching-learning are better planned, organized and executed in a proper way. Such
process related factors have been explained as under:
1. Methodology adopted for teaching-learning experiences: In
teaching-learning, much depends upon the methods,
techniques and approaches employed for the leaching and learning
of the selected contents and learning experiences.
Let us weigh the truth of this statement from various angles.
(a) Linking of the new learning with the past: The quality of the result in teaching-learning
depends much on the abilities of the teacher and the learner u>
link the present new learning with the past experiences of the learner. Past experience help the
learner to assimilate and understand the new learning by
providing success as well as cementing force for this purpose.
(b) Correlating the learning in one area to the other:
Correlation facilitates the task of teaching-learning as
il allows maximum transfer of training or learning from
one area to another. Accordingly, one can expect good results in learning
if learning experiences arc given in view of seeking correlation—(i) among the
different subjects or areas, (ii) within the branches or experiences or
experiences of the same area and (iii) with the real life happenings and
(c) Utilization of maximum number of
senses: Senses are said to be the gateway of knowledge und consequently
the results in teaching-learning arc very much influenced by the nature and type of the utilization
of one's senses for the acquisition of learning experiences.
A learner who learns through the utilization of his maximum senses like sense
of sight, hearing, (ouch, smell, tastes and also tries to learn by doing the
things himself always reach at an advantageous point.
(d) Provision of drill work, revision
und practice: Review and practice always brings good results in the
achievements of student's learning. A
learner who makes use of sufficient drill work, practice work, revision and
review of his learning can be expected to harvest a good yield in terms of its good
retention, reproduction and utilization at the proper time.
(e) Provision of proper feedback and
reinforcement: The teaching-learning yields
arc much dependent upon the nature and quality of the feedback and
reinforcement provided to the learner in his learning task.
One must be acquainted with the progress of his learning in
terms of his strengths and weaknesses and remedial action, if needed, may be
taken at the proper time. The knowledge of the results and progress may work
well for providing immediate reinforcement to the learner. In addition, the learning
process can be suitably designed if we take due care for
the planning of proper reinforcement technique in the shape of approval of the learning
response. Nodding of the head, smiling, saying good-bye. etc.
bring a magic in terms of learner's interest and achievement.
(f) The
selection of the suitable learning
methods und leaching:
There are sufficient methods and a number of good techniques available for the
teaching and learning of different subjects and areas of experiences. The results in
leaching-learning are always influenced by the nature and quality of the methods and
techniques employed for the teaching and learning of a
particular content, subject matter or learning experiences
like those given below—
Whether or not methods and techniques are helpful in learning
at memory, understanding or reflective level?
Whether or not these are teacher-dominated, learner-centered or allow useful
teacher-pupil interaction?
Is it possible to proceed on the path of self learning through
2. Teaching-learning environment and resources: I
lie learner is helped by the available resources and environment available for
bringing desirable changes in his behaviour. How effectively will such changes
be introduced in his behaviour depend much of the equality and management of
these resources. Such things and factors affecting
teaching-learning process may he listed as below—
The socio-emotional climate available in the institution in the shape of
teacher-pupil relationships, pupil-pupil relationships and school-staff
relationships etc.
The availability of appropriate learning material
and facilities in terms of teaching-learning aids,
textbooks, library and laboratory facilities, project work. etc.
The proper conducive environment and learning situation,
like those given below—
(i) Proper seating arrangement
Calm and peaceful environment
(iii) Management and control of the factors
leading to distraction
Cooperative and competitive group situations
Congenial learning environment at home
Provision of proper change, rest and recreation
Provision of opportunity for creativity and self-expression
this way the process and products of teaching-learning are
said to be influenced by the personal factors associated
with the learner and teachers and the external factors (like
type of content material and their proper delivery to the learner) lying within
the teaching-learning environment.
cognitive theories of learning point to the important role students' thought
processes play in learning. Students
need to be mentally active processors of information if learning is to occur. In these formulations, several criteria must
be met if learning is to occur. First,
students must attend to information to be learned. Second, students must create an understanding
of the material by creating or identifying relationships amongst the
to-be-learned ideas. Third, students
need to relate new ideas to prior knowledge.
Fourth, students need to understand that learning requires mental effort
- good learners are strategic and poor learners are not, and that strategy use
is the means by which learning occurs.
When students attend to information, try to
see how new ideas relate to each other, or try to relate new information to
prior knowledge they are engaged in strategy use. A strategy is a mental event carried out by
the learner to achieve some desired goal (such as remembering some fact).
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