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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Spirituality think tank

Beginning from today (.i.e 3rd April 2015) we are starting a series of posts giving summary description of world religions and spiritual traditions which will also include psychotherapy and religious practices. The series will also try to link psychology with various religious/spiritual traditions in limited way. Hope you all will enjoy reading this series of summaries.

In brief, the following summary description will give you indications of what we intend to do;

This series of sixteen essays attempts to trace brief history of spirituality in various religious and scientific traditions. The discussion has been classified into the following heads:(1) Shamanism, (2) Ancient mystery schools, (3) Vedic and Upanishads stage, (4) Taoism,  (5) Buddhism, (6) The Greek miracles, (7) The Jewish prophets, (8) Christianity, (9) Islam,(10) The Renaissance, (11) The enlightenment, (12) The German idealists,  (13) Baha’is Faith, (14) Darwinism-the discovery of evolution, (15) Modern discoveries regarding the human potentials, and (16) The continuing story-the emerging human being including psychotherapy. 

The series is not an attempt to give an exhaustive account of the rise of spirituality in various cultures but the focus will be on growing rise and evolution of human consciousness and awareness to incorporate spirituality. It also hints a unification of sciences and spirituality to give rise of a new science of whole human being beyond all sciences, psychology and philosophies of the world -a call for trans-science to integrate all sciences, spirituality and philosophies into a whole science of human potentials. We seek to adopt scientific approach to religion and spirituality.

We welcome you to share your views and add your valuable inputs by subscribing to the following blog —

 Please follow this link:

This blog promises to give you scholarly articles by team of expert scholars.

We thank them in advance for their thoughtful contributions.  

We hope the topic and coverage will interest you all.

We am seeking God’s blessings and contribution in this attempt. Amen!

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