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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Religion, spirituality and Psychology

Religion, spirituality and Psychology

Religion and spirituality are not synonymous.
Religions always try to claim spirituality as their core but their scriptures, principles, practices and pervasive pattern of discrimination and prejudice contradicts their claims.
Any religion that claims monopoly on god, truth, haven can not be considered spiritual.
Any religion that does not allow review, criticism and threatens death to non- believers can not be allowed to claim being spiritual.
Any religion that does not consider all human beings as equal can not be allowed to claim being spiritual.
I have researched and to date have been unable to find a decent, meaningful definition of spirituality. The closest definition I have found is in Vedanta - concept of advait- I and you are one and the same, all creation is divine from insects to the human beings.
Spirituality is a challenge for the psychologists and it needs to be studied, researched, and integrated as positive psychotherapy. Psychologists should study religions and their history of violence and killings against mankind to further support that they have failed to ensure good mental hygiene and happiness among human beings.
Happiness is a feeling and it's in the territory of the psychologists to research, study and offer solutions atleast on an individual level if not social level.Religion has a primitive logic i.e. If one is good , one will be happy. reality contradicts.Psychopaths manage to enjoy life more and get the better share of happiness than good, honest, decent, law abiding people.
While studying spirituality, it should be remembered that all religions are not the same.HIndu term for the religion is Dharma defined as the philosophy one wears for life.

Greesh Sharma
Retired NRI Paychologist

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