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Friday, December 3, 2010


A rat is set to swim in a pool of water from which it naturally wants to escape. It can do this by reaching a small platform, which is just below the surface and not visible to the animal (because of the ‘milkiness’ of the water). Finding the platform on the first trial is a matter of chance, but with further training the rat rapidly learns to swim straight to the platform. Since the rat cannot see the platform to home in on it, how can it be performing this feat? One obvious possibility is that the rat learns to swim in the general direction of some feature of the room outside the pool, which lies on a continuation of the line between its starting point and the platform. But this cannot be the whole story, because in other trials, rats were put back in the pool at a different starting position from that used in training. The paths that the rats followed. Clearly, in these trials, following a line to an extra-pool cue would not work. However, as the results show, even under these conditions the rats were still very good at finding the platform. To explain this in terms of standard conditioning processes, we must assume that the rat learns to approach not single cues, but complex configurations of cues. We know from other training procedures that rats can learn about combined (often referred to as configural) cues. But such learning tends to occur painfully slowly, whereas spatial tasks are mastered much more easily by rats. This suggests that spatial learning operates according to principles quite different from those that underlie classical and instrumental conditioning procedures. It is possible that exposure to an environment allows the animal to form a cognitive map of that environment – [cognitive map postulated internalized representation of the layout of the environment in which information about the relative spatial relationships of various features is preserved] some sort of internal representation of the spatial relationships among the cues it has experienced. The animal is then able to navigate because it knows its own position with respect to this internal representation. But no one has yet supplied a full account of the process by which the map is constructed, how the animal knows its own position, and so on.

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