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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Assertive discipline of Lee Canter and Marlene Canter

Assertive discipline of Lee Canter and Marlene Canter
Assertive Discipline (Lee & Marlene Canter)
Assertive Discipline involves establishing a ‘discipline plan’ to maintain ‘order’ to facilitate the best teaching and learning. This requires clear limits and rules to be set and taught. The teacher is expected to adopt an assertive style while at the same time remaining approachable and supportive. Compliance should be rewarded with formal recognition and incentives. Noncompliant disruptive behaviour invokes enforcement of rules with a hierarchy of sanctions.
Individual plans may be negotiated with the support of the school executive and parents, but individual counselling should only occur outside of class time. Classroom rewards and sanctions do not necessarily equate to those which apply outside the classroom. Note: in our taxonomy of classroom management theories, Assertive Discipline would be positioned as a theory strongly  influenced by behaviourist theory.
• Children need clear behavioural limits and adults to exercise control over them, so teachers must be assertive and exercise their rightful duty to control students. External control teaches children to develop self-discipline.
• Assertive Discipline is based on an explicit classroom discipline plan, sanctioned by the school executive, but not dependent on school-wide plans.
• Classroom order requires clear behavioural limit setting, and then rewards and sanctions for compliance and non-compliance. Teachers own classrooms – students do not.
• Assertive Discipline requires good teaching which in turn requires both quality curriculum and quality pedagogy.
• Compliance (obedience) provides psychological safety for students.
• Much of the disruptive student behaviour in schools is a product of relatively unstable,
unsupportive and ill-disciplined home lives, and the resulting poor self-esteem and selfresponsibility.
• Unassertive teachers encourage misbehaviour.
Positive practices
Teachers who align to Assertive Discipline can build positive learning environments by:
• establishing an ordered and productive teaching learning environment, so good teaching and learning (including both good curriculum and pedagogy) can flourish
• preparing and teaching a comprehensive discipline plan, with rules and positive and negative consequences for compliance and non-compliance
• getting to know their students, especially their names and interests
• greeting their students daily – by name, and having some fun and (equitable) ‘quality’ time with each
• focusing on helping students to achieve academic success
• invoking negative consequences and escalating sanctions in a calm, matter-of-fact, systematic way.
Intervention practices
Teachers who align to Assertive Discipline can intervene with more challenging students by:
• clearly identifying and evidencing noncompliant and disruptive behaviours for students who are not responding reasonably to the class discipline plan
• publicly reiterating rules, behavioural expectations, consequences and sanctions – in a calm and systematic way
• engaging closely with these students to ensure they understand their misbehaviours and the consequences for continued non-compliance. This usually requires counselling outside of class time
• collaborating with the student to develop an individualised behaviour plan. This will still contain class rules and behavioural expectations, but individualised consequences, sanctions and due process may apply. This must be taught to the student. This plan may also involve the support of the school executive and the student’s parents. (Note that school rules and due processes still apply outside the classroom.)
Challenges and criticisms
Critics argue that Assertive Discipline is not rigorously theoretically based, and does not account for wider school community culture. It presumes absolute authority for the teacher with little  consideration of democratic principles and/or student rights, and provides no pathways for the  evelopment of student self-discipline. Structure and limit setting are indistinguishable from rule setting. Critics claim that both students and teachers are widely constrained by Assertive Discipline and that although it may control student behaviours it does little to change the reason misbehaviours occur. The rigidity of this approach may leave little, if any, room for teachers to use  professional discretion and accommodate individual differences. There is little research evidence to support claims of its efficacy.
Assertive Discipline Model of Canter (1988)
Teachers have to control students as they are not capable of controlling themselves. Teachers should insist on decent, respectful behaviours. Those who fail to maintain discipline are failing as teachers. Firm, strict boundaries are important for students and it is an error to think otherwise. Parents and school executives need to support the teacher. Students have the right to learn in optimal learning environments without inappropriate behaviours from others and to have teachers who ensure this is the case. In order to implement this model successfully teachers need to develop a range of assertive behaviours.
Based on the teacher as an authoritarian. Only considers the rights and needs of the teacher, not the students (Render et al.. 1989).

Assertive discipline

o  Students must be forced to comply with rules
o  Students cannot be expected to determine appropriate classroom rules and follow them
o  Punishment will cause students to avoid bad behavior and engage in good classroom behavior
o  Good behavior can also be encouraged by positive reinforcement
o  For proper classroom management, parents and school administrators msut help to enforce rules.
Lee Canter-
o  Child guidance specialist
o  Established an organization called Canter and Associates
o  Provides training for teachers who want to become more assertive in their teaching
Assertive discipline
o  Emphasizes punishing unacceptable behaviors
o  Providing reinforcement for behaviors that are acceptable to teachers
o  Canter believed that teachers generally ignored their own needs in the classroom in favor or satisfying the students needs.

Misconceptions according the Canter
o  Teachers should be able to handle discipline problems without help
o  Firm discipline will be harmful to children and cause psychological harm (or disrupt the student teacher rapport)
o  Canter believes these misconceptions lead us to discipline students in wishy-washy ways
o  This leads to other problems

  Must always have the ‘upper hand’
  Students as the enemy
  “Lay down the law”
  “Sit down, shut up & listen”
  Life’s Not Fair
  Take away pleasure of learning
  Harsh responses stunt trusting relationships
  Start kids down the path of hating school

  Expectations not clear
  Wishy-Washy (How many times do I have to tell you?)
  Students do not take teacher seriously
  Teacher feels stressed

  Expresses expectations clearly and confidently
  Builds trust
  Teaches students how to behave
  Clearly states consequences
  Consistently enforces consequences
  Balances students’ need for structure and empathy
  Realizes students need direct instruction on how to behave
  Creates environment for teacher and students to each meet their needs

  Responds to student stimuli when faced with different situations
  This increases the chances of anger and stress

  Anticipates what students will do and say
  Thinks about how to respond to different behaviors
  Remembers they have a choice on how to respond
  Does not give up on difficult student

Teacher rights
o  To establish classroom rules and procedures that produce optimum learning environments
o  To insist on behavior from students that meets the teachers desires
o  To insist on behavior that leads to positive social development
o  To insist on behavior that leads to the educational development of students
o  The right to receive help from administrators
o  The right to receive help from parents

5 Steps to Assertive Discipline
  Recognize and remove road blocks
  Practice the use of Assertive response  styles
  Set limits
  Follow through
  Implement POSITIVE Consequences

Steps in the process
o  Step 1. Create positive student teacher relationships
n  Discipline procedures should be applied fairly to everyone
n  Teacher must model what trust and respoct look like
n  Teachers must instruct students in the procedures expected
o  Step 2 Establish rules or expectations
n  Usually 5 or 6 rules
n  Teachers makes the rules
n  Rules satisfy the teachers needs
n  Communicate the rules
o  Poster
o  Names on the board with check marks to indicate the degree of the punishment
o  Step 3. Tracking the misbehavior is important
n  Tracking should be private
n  Negative consequences should be predetermined and applied strictly according to plan.

Four methods to request compliance
n  1. Hints  --- “Everyone should be working.”
n  2. Question  -- “Would you please get to work?”
n  3. I message   -- I want you to open your books and get to work.”
n  4. Demand  ---- “Get to work now.”

Methods to make the requests work more efficiently
o  Eye contact
o  Use hand gestures
o  Use student names when making requests
o  Use physical touch if appropriate

Broken record technique
o  Repeat the demands several times if the students
n  ignore you or
n  object to request or
n  argue with it

o  Step 4. Use negative consequences to enforce limits
n  Time out
n  Withdrawing a privilege
n  Detention
n  Send to principal’s office
n  Call parents
n  Send them to another class
n  Do not issue threats
n  Follow through with what ever you say you re going to do
n  Some teachers have made recodings of the misbehaviors

o  Step 5. Implement a system of positive consequences
n  Less systematic than the negative consequences
n  Can use
o  Personal attention from the teacher
o  Positive notes to calls to parents
o  Awards
o  Special privileges
o  Group rewards

      Continually Disruptive
      Persistently Defiant
      Demanding Attention
      Denies Authority
      Cause Frustration, Anger & Stress

Formal limits

  Assertive discipline program can be implemented at any time
  The first few days of a new school year are an especially favorable time to introduce the program.
  Decide on behaviors you want from students and determine the positive and negative consequences that will accompany them.
  Take a clear and concise list to the principal for approval and support.
  Keep the list of behaviors (rules) to five or less.

  On first meeting with the new students discuss the behaviors, consequences and the methods of follow through you intend to use.
  Make clear that all students must comply with the rules.
  Tell the students exactly what will happen each time a rule is broken. (The consequences they can expects for the first, second, third offense, etc.)

  Ask students to write behaviors and consequences on a sheet of paper, to take the plan home and to have their parents read and sign it. Have them return it to you the next day.
  Emphasize that these rules will help the class develop a sense responsibility for learning and behaving acceptably.
  Reinforce the message over a period of time at appropriate occasions.

  Ask students to tell you in their own words what they believe you expect of them and what the consequences will be for both compliance and violations.
  Prepare a short letter describing the plan to parents in which you ask for their support and express your pleasure in being able to collaborate with them in efforts to benefit their child.
  Implement the assertive discipline plan immediately.



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